How to Rid Yourself of the Ghosts of Relationships Past (5 Steps to Exorcising Your Ex)

When it comes to past relationships it can be very difficult getting over it. After months of being apart and some time years, people still find themselves having fond memories of their ex boyfriend or their ex girlfriend. Although this may seem like a good thing, actually it is not.

There are 5 steps to exorcising your ex. If you have been failing in getting over your relationship that is haunting you, you may find it difficult to truly understand what is being said. If you are looking to successfully get over your ex you should consider following these five steps.

Do Not Contact Your Ex Non-Whatsoever

This is the most important step you must take when trying to get over a bad relationship. You must drop all contact with your ex and do not try to contact them even if you have a burning desire to do so. If you are doing all the texting, e-mailing, or even calling your ex, you have to put a stop to it right now. If you do not stop communicating with your ex it will simply be a constant reminder of the bad relationship, plus it will only lead to more heartache and misery.

You Need A Little Support

The second thing you want to do is get some back up or what some like to call it, "people to support you." Do not feel bad about the situation to the point where your closing everyone in your life out. Talk to your friends about it if you don't have any friends talk to some your family members.

Having friends and family to help you through these rough times will help you follow the steps that you have laid out to keep your emotions in check. It is good to have them around when you are feeling vulnerable and weak. Use their support to get control of your emotions while you are getting over your ex.

Admit You Got Feelings

Admitting you still got feelings for him or her is the next step in the process. Even if you wanted to you cannot ignore the fact this has happened to you. Forgetting the relationship you have with him or her won't be easy because of all the good times you had.

You are going to have to deal with the feeling that you feel since the relationship has ended. Talk to your friends and families about your feelings there is no reason for you to hold them inside. The more you release your emotions the faster the process will be in getting over your ex.

Let Your Emotions Hang Out

Last but not least, let your emotions hang out. Many people have different ways of dealing with their emotions. Some will simply do something that helps them keep their mind off of the situation. Some may choose to run it off or simply work it off by some other means as long as they can release the anger they feel inside, it gives them some room for relief. It is up to you how you decide to deal with your emotions. But the most important thing is letting your emotions out. It has been said, it is better out than in.

In order for you to follow these steps you are going to have to develop the willpower to do so. Following these steps will not be easy because some of the steps involved in this article will remove the relationship of your life completely. One thing that needs to be stressed right here is, if you are not willing to let go of your emotions you only hurting yourself.

Ignoring these steps is not advisable. It is going to hurt and there is no doubt about it, but these are steps you need to take for getting over of your ex. A few of these steps you will find worth while because you will learn how to get rid of the demons in your relationship.

2 Ways to Be Romantic After a Break Up - Romance Your Way Into Their Heart

It finally happened, you have broken up with your lover, but there is a part of you that wants them back. You can get them back if you learn how to be romantic after a breakup. It may seem strange to follow this advice especially after you have let them go. You are not seeing each other, so how is this a chance for you to be romantic.

This is not going to be easy, but there are two ways you can be romantic after a split up that will help you show your feelings. What you are trying to do here is create an opportunity for you to be romantic and make your ex feel special at the same time which is a clever idea for getting back together with your ex.

Respecting your ex's wishes is one of the important things you have to keep in mind. If they did not want to to call them or stop by, do not do it. With that being said, it does not mean you cannot show them you are a romantic person.

For a better response to your romantic gestures, wait a little while before you start. If you have a bad habit of begging your ex to take you back, stop it. You need to give them the time and space they need and it does not include you. Once you have allowed time to pass by, you can simply remind them of you with a small romantic gesture that is sure to surprise them.

1. You can send them some flowers

This is not something that you should start doing right off the bat. Give them some time to miss you and then make your move. After some time has passed by have some flowers delivered to them with a little card from you. Make sure you have the flowers delivered to their home and not their job. And do not mention anything about how much you love them or how much you want to get back together. Simply tell them to have a nice day.

2. A simple text message will do

This does not mean you should text them all the time. Just send them a simple text message asking them how is their day going and you were just checking on them. Do not go overboard with this method because too much texting or contacting them will only push them away.

Even though you are going through a hard time right now bugging or simply contacting your ex too much will cause even greater problems than you already have. Just take it easy and go with the flow. This is how you romance your way into their heart.


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